A Clear Concept

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 7:00 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner
Concept maps, floor plans, flow charts, are completely gruesome tasks at all occasions. More if you have to use a paper and a pen to “express” your ideas. Creating a concept map in a regular Word document could not let you express the ideas as clearly as you wanted. Correcting and erasing, changing and modifying, paper and pencil diagrams are boring and completely unnecessary. Dear reader, I have found a page that is determined to layout your ideas in the best way possible, with no complications, amazing features, and a long list for diagram options.

I hate the feeling when you cannot layout the ideas you have in your head the way you wanted to. Be it for the lack of space, features, or maybe because you are using the incorrect program. All complications are over, with this original and modern page that makes your ideas tangible and possible to layout.

Not only is the software free, but there is absolutely no need for subscription. As soon as you reach the HOME, you will have the option to start. The tools and deigns are classified under categories, including images, connection, and text boxes of any kind.

Gliffy, a page named after the term glyph (symbol) provides the space to layout your ideas for free. It offers layouts for, Flow charts, Floor Plans, Organization plans, Business models, and much more.  Imagine, plan, draw, and voila! A visual interpretation of what you where thinking.


Basic Summary:
Grade: A
Information: Excellent
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: None
Where: Click Here
The Gadget Guru


Monday, April 12, 2010 6:31 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner
Glossaries are everywhere, they all offer definition but it is really hard to find one that offers depth. Definition and meaning are not alike at all,  one guarantees the understanding of the subject and another just assures you know what it means. The difference between good and extraordinary. The following page offers solutions to your defining quests and your queries.

The page shows several definitions, for you not to settle for one. As well as humoristic definitions offered by users. The first text is the “best” definition offered by the site, followed by other pages’ definitions and subscribed answers by bored individuals.

A long and complete list of related terms and other terms of interest matching your query are shown in the upper part of the search and down at the bottom.

Don’t settle for less, when you can have much more.

Basic Summary:
Grade: B
Information: Good
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Don’t get tricked by the “mock” definitions
Where: Click here

The Gadget Guru

Out With The Old And In With The New One

5:57 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner
Yes! I have found the page that converts a load of work into a few easy and effective steps. Most of us have been delayed in projects and homework by the stupid inconveniency of having the wrong formats of work. My problem is mainly with images and from time to time audio, this converter offers the solution to my converting situations.

 First upload the file, then pick an output format, finally send it to your mail already converted. Easy and simple. No need for long and boring installation procedures that result in endless pains and never ending conditions. Leave behind the pay for this pay for that idea. You are already paying for your internet, you might as well use it.

Numerous and free forms of conversions are found in the miracle website, all for free and with no ridiculous and useless compromises. If you wish you can subscribe to the website, by signing in to check out for bonuses and pluses. If you really want to avoid the signing in process then go ahead the conversion can still happen.

Basic Summary:
Grade: A
Information: Great
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Have a working email!
Where: Click here

The Gadget Guru