A Clear Concept

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 7:00 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner
Concept maps, floor plans, flow charts, are completely gruesome tasks at all occasions. More if you have to use a paper and a pen to “express” your ideas. Creating a concept map in a regular Word document could not let you express the ideas as clearly as you wanted. Correcting and erasing, changing and modifying, paper and pencil diagrams are boring and completely unnecessary. Dear reader, I have found a page that is determined to layout your ideas in the best way possible, with no complications, amazing features, and a long list for diagram options.

I hate the feeling when you cannot layout the ideas you have in your head the way you wanted to. Be it for the lack of space, features, or maybe because you are using the incorrect program. All complications are over, with this original and modern page that makes your ideas tangible and possible to layout.

Not only is the software free, but there is absolutely no need for subscription. As soon as you reach the HOME, you will have the option to start. The tools and deigns are classified under categories, including images, connection, and text boxes of any kind.

Gliffy, a page named after the term glyph (symbol) provides the space to layout your ideas for free. It offers layouts for, Flow charts, Floor Plans, Organization plans, Business models, and much more.  Imagine, plan, draw, and voila! A visual interpretation of what you where thinking.


Basic Summary:
Grade: A
Information: Excellent
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: None
Where: Click Here
The Gadget Guru


Monday, April 12, 2010 6:31 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner
Glossaries are everywhere, they all offer definition but it is really hard to find one that offers depth. Definition and meaning are not alike at all,  one guarantees the understanding of the subject and another just assures you know what it means. The difference between good and extraordinary. The following page offers solutions to your defining quests and your queries.

The page shows several definitions, for you not to settle for one. As well as humoristic definitions offered by users. The first text is the “best” definition offered by the site, followed by other pages’ definitions and subscribed answers by bored individuals.

A long and complete list of related terms and other terms of interest matching your query are shown in the upper part of the search and down at the bottom.

Don’t settle for less, when you can have much more.

Basic Summary:
Grade: B
Information: Good
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Don’t get tricked by the “mock” definitions
Where: Click here

The Gadget Guru

Out With The Old And In With The New One

5:57 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner
Yes! I have found the page that converts a load of work into a few easy and effective steps. Most of us have been delayed in projects and homework by the stupid inconveniency of having the wrong formats of work. My problem is mainly with images and from time to time audio, this converter offers the solution to my converting situations.

 First upload the file, then pick an output format, finally send it to your mail already converted. Easy and simple. No need for long and boring installation procedures that result in endless pains and never ending conditions. Leave behind the pay for this pay for that idea. You are already paying for your internet, you might as well use it.

Numerous and free forms of conversions are found in the miracle website, all for free and with no ridiculous and useless compromises. If you wish you can subscribe to the website, by signing in to check out for bonuses and pluses. If you really want to avoid the signing in process then go ahead the conversion can still happen.

Basic Summary:
Grade: A
Information: Great
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Have a working email!
Where: Click here

The Gadget Guru

Solution To Be Spam Free

Sunday, April 4, 2010 2:04 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner
Internet users are constantly subscribing to all kinds of websites in order to use them properly. Not only is this task forcing you to give valuable inbox space for spam mail to be sent, but who knows what this website can do to your email. In my case I have 2 hotmail accounts, one for useless stupidities and another for important emails that are worth reading. Instead of creating a new account or having to use a current one imagine if you could have a mail account that could be erased in a set time with all the junk in it.  This might not be ideal for “big sites” such as facebook where you would like to have an open account just in case you forget your password. But it might result helpful for temporary downloads or stupid subscriptions to any page you wouldn’t need to check your email for.

You can create, cancel, or extend an email for as long as you wish. The time periods range from thirty minutes to a year. As all cool websites, this site is completely free. It is also transparent. Meaning no secret messes that you would have to take responsibility for. This site collects your email, and swipes it off its website as soon as it expires. Spambox does not send spam into your own email nor the one created.

As said before I would not use this website for subscriptions that you would like to have something remembered nor for long term register in a website. Nevertheless it is perfect for temporary inscriptions and downloads.

Basic Summary:
Grade:  A
Information: Good
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Don’t use it for long term subscriptions.
Where: Click Here

The Gadget Guru

The Webpage Page

Thursday, March 25, 2010 7:30 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

Isn’t it great when you feel that you have a complete package of stuff. A huge combo where all your needs have a way to be filled. The upmost satisfaction of having IT. Well maybe this may not fulfill all of your requirements but it at least will fill a vast amount of blank spots. Imagine having the IT pages in a single page, not only is it possible but it is a reality now.

Nevertheless there are some negatives in this Oh! So marvelous page. The deficient part is the plus itself. It has all in one, meaning plenty of search and opening new tabs to find the page you were anxiously expecting. So even though it can find the solution to several web page finding issues the task of actually finding them could be long. Not as long as finding them using a massive search engine such as Google but still, very slow.

The page itself does not look very professional, but again it is only a list. Don’t judge a book by it cover, for the selection of pages is very good. It even lists blogs of interest for those who might like to dig deeper into theblogging industry.”

Among several of the categorized lists you can find videos, pages, blogs, engines, etc. The page gives possibilities, and passways that may result helpful.


Basic Summary:
Grade: B
Information: Efficient
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Don’t look only at itsprettinesslook deeper. It can take some time finding the desired page.
Where: Click Here

The Gadget Guru

Eww: IPad

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 3:20 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

IPad, makes you wonder, what the hell is happening to the technology world? The new Apple release consists of an immense Itouch IPod, which was inconveniently named an IPad. Leaving the mayor naming mistake aside, one can find several things that don’t make sense. For starters, why buy a maxi Itouch for the price of 500$ when you can just waste your money in any other useless tool? This device, does offer a somewhat of an “advanced” Itouch revolution, yet it is not 500$ worth of advances. The concept could be good but the execution is poor, the light design and good confection of the device does not prove anything as far as functioning.

First Error: The design. Who in the world would like to type looking downward and not have the freedom of moving the screen and the keyboard separate ways.

Second Error: The lack of freedom. Not only does the MaxiPad device have almost the exact same functions as the regular Itouch, but it limits the browser to the predetermined one, goodbye options. You might Jailbreak it, but how long till such genius shortcut is invented. Not friendly at all. Word, Photobooth, and other sweet options that regular MACs offer are not included in this release. For users that are into business and school, If I where you, I would get myself a more complete gadget.

Third Error: Sucks that besides paying 500$ you might also spend the same amount for adapters and cables for you to use on the “computer”. How much of a failure can it be, that it doesn’t even have a USB port.

Fourth Error: People do many things at once: Scratch that, you may not multitask with IPad.

Fifth Error: Clean hands. It is basic hygiene for us to have clean hands, but first time users of the IPad said that even after the first use the screen was filled with finger prints. If something as simple and un-harmful as fingerprints makes the device dirty imagine keeping it clean.

Touch screen items might seem cool, but as a touch user I found out that if you use it a lot the sensor may loose its “power”. I am not saying that this applies for this item but as a user of a touch device with this malfunction, I can offer this warning.

2 words: Screw it! Save yourself from a mayor burden and buy something useful.

Basic Summary:
Grade: F
Information: Sucks
Recommended: Nope
Conditions: Don’t Buy it!
Where: MAC stores

The Gadget Guru

How Stuff Works?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010 6:00 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner
Last year, science class was a painful torture, even though I could register everything that was being said I really didn’t understand anything, I memorized. From that point on I have sorted out that if you understand what is being said you do better and the information can be useful. My tool for surviving science was an Internet program, yeah shocker, right? Not only does this website range from the most vast to the most specific topics, but it offers different explanations if one isn’t good enough. The miracle worker I am talking about is howstuffworks.com

How does it work? The main page works like a search engine, and its layout resembles a news web page. Its displays featured searches, pictures, puzzles, quizzes, a random zone, daily polls and trivia, quotes, etc. There are several ways you can go around the page, even though it is very self explanatory. Categories are displayed and you can choose one of those. Nevertheless, I find if more simple if you just type in some key words of what you want to understand. Videos will appear as options and some even have images that could help for further understanding, click on the video you want to see and enjoy.

A world of endless possibilities and input ideas. The good thing about the website is that it works for school purposes or you could just search stuff you want to know out of pure curiosity.

Life is easier when you understand how stuff works!

Basic Summary:
Grade: B+
Information: Great
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Don’t get desperate if the first option does not work, try again!
Where: Click Here
The Gadget Guru (:

Pimp My Blog

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 1:58 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner
Dear reader I have found a way to torturing you into reading my blog and following it. My friends keep asking me how did I “Pimp my blog”, there isn’t really a secret, just follow the simple following steps.

Go into Google, or any search engine you have in your computer and search for free blogger templates, in the search list you will find several pages from which you can easily download free templates into your computer. Pick wisely because once you have the template you must like EVERYTHING about it, because even though it may look very good the downloaded templates are not as flexible and simple as predetermined Blogger templates.

Once you know where the file is, click on it and export the icon that has a small earth on it as shown in the picture bellow, if the icon itself looks like this then no problem. How do you export it? Click on the icon that looks like a pile of books and left click on the “earth icon”, then select the export option. Again refer to the image bellow for more understanding.

Once this is done go to your blogger dashboard and click on layout of the blog you want to edit. There click on the “edit HTML” tab and upload your file on the option bellow (upload the file with the cute earth picture). Press upload. Once you do that a warning might appear that asks you if you want to “Keep Widgets”, DO keep them.

If you would like to change it to another downloaded file repeat the process, if not just select pick a new template and you can go back to the old Blogger one.

Hope it helped (:

The Gadget Guru (:

Cite A Nightmare

Sunday, February 28, 2010 4:56 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

Most of modern students are required to site everything from everywhere on school papers. Teachers do this do avoid plagiarism, nevertheless we find it excruciating to gather all of those stupid pieces of information into one of those “fancy named” formats. Take for instance; you are done with your 5 page summary about any topic. But, REALLY you are not done at all; about 15 or 20 unformatted web pages or books are waiting for you to get them together.

Dear citing idiots (I am one myself), your search is over. I present a page that asks you to fill certain boxes and automatically it gathers all of your information into one of those collage citing formats teachers ask for. You might be lucky enough that your text was formatted before and by just placing one of the required information boxes; the page will automatically gather the rest of the details in about 3 seconds.

At first you select your text option; Magazine, book, newspaper, website, journal, film, or other. Next you place the title of the source. If the website recognizes the title it fills out the rest of the information for you (publisher, year of publication, name of page, name of site). It is an all in one package.

But wait, if BibMe does not recognize all of the information it gives you the blank space for you to fill it in by hand. This might take time, but at least you know what to look for instead of vaguely searching for a miniature engraving on a 20 year old page. Once you have been “bibbed”, you can select one of the following formats to cite your source: MLA, Chicago, APA, or Turabian.

It is simple just register for free and format all of the cites you want.

Complication Free. Stress Free.

Basic Summary:
Grade: A
Information: Great
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Be patient if the cite does not recognize the title.
Click Here


The Gadget Guru (:

Timing is Everything

Thursday, February 25, 2010 4:33 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

Planning is everything in the modern school life. Not only do you need to have the perfect timing and schedule in order to make all of your assignments, but you need a constant reminder of when to do it. Let’s accept it; homework is the last thing on everybody’s mind once they get home. Your internet log might be something like this; Internet, Facebook, Check what is for homework, Chat and try to multitask (failing the majority of times), and finally late at night rush through your homework. If this doesn’t sound like you at all, you are one of the few that might have a chance of getting very high grades.

Fortunately there are several alternatives to try and avoid these situations. Open your mind to Soshiku, an online assignment reminder that helps you keep up with all of your assignments. You can divide the areas into courses, which can be color coded. For each course you can manage notes, save tasks, upload files, and share messages with partners within the program. These partners can view important tasks and share the information needed in order for the execution of such.

If you reside in the USA you can even have the assignments remembered into your cell phone. This site offers the On the Go option for many regions of the country. The page basically tells you the following; Delayed assignments, assignments for Today, assignments for tomorrow, and those due in a week. The program asks you to pick a due date, and an alarm format. Meaning it tells you for when your assignment is due and you can choose when this reminder comes up, and how often. As well as you can make the assignment private meaning it is kept in secret.

Try doing something different than staring at this blog. ;)

Basic Summary:
Grade: B+
Information: Good
Recommended: Yes
Click Here


The Gadget Guru

Bored? Try Omegle :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:36 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

People always talk about internet being a viable, and secure way to meet new friends, not only are there all kinds of sites to meet new people and “dates”, to which many are attracted to for different reasons, but I wish to share a website recommended by a cousin in which you can get a different idea of massive chatting sites.

Omegle is an online, free interactive chat website that gives a whole new meaning to the idea of online chatting. It proves a vast amount of chatting range with complete strangers. People tend to fear massive chatting because they are scared of having to provide their identity, and that their security could be compromised. Omegle, is a anonymous website in which one can chat freely with no need of providing personal information. Recently I had a very interesting conversation about galaxies with a complete stranger who appeared to have an extensive knowledge of the topic, I was absolutely astounded.

Even though the idea is attractive there are still dangers within the site. Not because it is unsafe, but because of the strangers themselves. For starters, this site does not control foul language, meaning one could insult or be insulted without any warning from behalf of the website. Perhaps this factor might not be alarming to same individuals but since it doesn’t have an age restriction the smaller children could be affected. Next there is the presence of Internet demons, which are those individuals who are in a long and pathetic search to find a sex partner (cyber sex), or even an online girlfriend or boyfriend. Personally I find both of these attempts pathetic. HONESTLY, GET A LIFE!

Nevertheless the site could be useful to kill some time of even bother people, if you are tired or want to change chatting partners just click end conversation and you will be reconnected with a completely new individual.

Basic Summary:
Grade: C+
Information: Passing
Recommended: Yes, but not strongly.
Conditions: Beware of online predators and INTERNET DEMONS
Where: Click Here


The Gadget Guru ♥

Done Searching? Try Stumbling

Monday, February 15, 2010 2:03 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

Internet users from all over the world are daily facing the finger numbing task of finding cool websites that suit their interests. Not only is it boring, but it limits you to so many websites on the Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle display option. There is much more to discover that Google might not point out, or that your computer may not want to display. Not only is there an easy use website to end this never ending scavenger hunt, but it is also free. It was recommended to me by one of my closest friends, and now I would like to pass it on to you, dear blogger.

The site consists of the following; you have the option to either sign up or use it without signing up. I recommend signing up, due to the fact that you can save your favorite websites on your account and revisit them for free any time you wish. If you don’t sign up, you might want to keep a close by pen and paper to jot down the website’s address. Once you have signed up, or not, you can select your interests that you with to include in your Stumbling*. No need to worry if you have different needs, you can swap interests anytime you want for free. Once you have followed these few easy steps, feel free to start Stumbling.

The website’s name states clearly what it is all about. Stumble Upon, makes your interests their priority and every time you want to swap to the next site, click Stumble. What the system does is that it takes your choice of interests and directs you to pages that include one of your interests or many combined. Topics range from shopping, to online gaming, from animals to internet.

Try a place where there are endless possibilities, and a definite guarantee that you will never be bored in your life.

What are you waiting for? Start Stumbling.

Basic Summary:
Grade: A+
Information: Approved
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Beware of becoming obsessed (tends to happen)
Click Here

Love; The Gadget Guru

*Stumbling: Verb. The act of using Stumble Upon.

The Guides To The Most Excruciating Pains Of Technology

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:32 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

Even the best technological hackers need a hint once on a while. Loosing a grip on a rather simple technological problem might be a recurrent issue in all of our lives. The solution to many or even all of your technological problems has been found. The hyperlink bellow shows the perfect set of guides to most of the problems one might encounter with technology. The following “must haves” don’t leave out anybody on the list, it ranges from music freaks, to twitter users and stops at the problems a MAC or HP user might have along the technological journey. The do for yourself and GUIDES FOR THE DUMMIES, give you a glimpse of new technological opportunities and ideas that might have never come to mind.

Not only are the following guides excellent for those users who all ready have a computer but it helps you make all the right choices when shopping for computers, and ever putting together a PC. The authors of these manuals provide a large range of topics that might help you fix any problem. Nevertheless the catch (and yes, probably EVERYTHING on the internet has a catch), is that these guides might be so extensive that for a very specific problem, the search for the solution might be a grueling task. The user reading this text (YOU!) could be thinking, is this a really huge guide for EVERYTHING? User, these are a set of 15 guidelines, completely free from which you can get your information online or even download the manuals to have a constant access to them in your desktop.

The page is so fantastic that if you keep browsing you might encounter other information that might help you on your trip to surviving technology.

Basic Summary:
Grade: A
Information: Approved
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Patience and Determination
Click Here

Love; The Gadget Guru ♥

What its all about

Monday, February 8, 2010 2:41 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

Gadgets are created to make life easier, more entertaining and add a special touch to your every day monotonous life. Not only do gadgets give you a glimpse of new technology but they also help you with simple daily life situations. The purpose of this blog? Exactly that, hint you into websites and general information that could spice up your daily computer activities and make arduous tasks such as homework much easier. Reviews of websites that might not result as useful or credible as one might think can also be considered a gadget, after all who would want to be receiving important information from a biased source?