Cite A Nightmare

Sunday, February 28, 2010 4:56 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

Most of modern students are required to site everything from everywhere on school papers. Teachers do this do avoid plagiarism, nevertheless we find it excruciating to gather all of those stupid pieces of information into one of those “fancy named” formats. Take for instance; you are done with your 5 page summary about any topic. But, REALLY you are not done at all; about 15 or 20 unformatted web pages or books are waiting for you to get them together.

Dear citing idiots (I am one myself), your search is over. I present a page that asks you to fill certain boxes and automatically it gathers all of your information into one of those collage citing formats teachers ask for. You might be lucky enough that your text was formatted before and by just placing one of the required information boxes; the page will automatically gather the rest of the details in about 3 seconds.

At first you select your text option; Magazine, book, newspaper, website, journal, film, or other. Next you place the title of the source. If the website recognizes the title it fills out the rest of the information for you (publisher, year of publication, name of page, name of site). It is an all in one package.

But wait, if BibMe does not recognize all of the information it gives you the blank space for you to fill it in by hand. This might take time, but at least you know what to look for instead of vaguely searching for a miniature engraving on a 20 year old page. Once you have been “bibbed”, you can select one of the following formats to cite your source: MLA, Chicago, APA, or Turabian.

It is simple just register for free and format all of the cites you want.

Complication Free. Stress Free.

Basic Summary:
Grade: A
Information: Great
Recommended: Yes
Conditions: Be patient if the cite does not recognize the title.
Click Here


The Gadget Guru (:

1 Comment to Cite A Nightmare

Hola Dayaris. no te ilusiones its just me :)... quieres decirme como editeas tu coso de titulo?? thanku

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