Timing is Everything

Thursday, February 25, 2010 4:33 PM | Posted by Mina Drezner

Planning is everything in the modern school life. Not only do you need to have the perfect timing and schedule in order to make all of your assignments, but you need a constant reminder of when to do it. Let’s accept it; homework is the last thing on everybody’s mind once they get home. Your internet log might be something like this; Internet, Facebook, Check what is for homework, Chat and try to multitask (failing the majority of times), and finally late at night rush through your homework. If this doesn’t sound like you at all, you are one of the few that might have a chance of getting very high grades.

Fortunately there are several alternatives to try and avoid these situations. Open your mind to Soshiku, an online assignment reminder that helps you keep up with all of your assignments. You can divide the areas into courses, which can be color coded. For each course you can manage notes, save tasks, upload files, and share messages with partners within the program. These partners can view important tasks and share the information needed in order for the execution of such.

If you reside in the USA you can even have the assignments remembered into your cell phone. This site offers the On the Go option for many regions of the country. The page basically tells you the following; Delayed assignments, assignments for Today, assignments for tomorrow, and those due in a week. The program asks you to pick a due date, and an alarm format. Meaning it tells you for when your assignment is due and you can choose when this reminder comes up, and how often. As well as you can make the assignment private meaning it is kept in secret.

Try doing something different than staring at this blog. ;)

Basic Summary:
Grade: B+
Information: Good
Recommended: Yes
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